9+ years
Poor Fancy has had 4 seizures over the past year and she would dearly love a sponsor to care for her. The most recent seizure, which may have been a stroke but the vet has no testing equipment, has left her with a twisted neck. We don't think it was Vestibular Syndrome as she was able to walk around very soon after her attack. Our vet didn't suggest that either.
Fancy has one major problem, she's very timid and runs around before she lets us catch her. This isn't good for her.
Fancy is about 14 years old. She was a tiny terrified temple puppy when we brought her into our Healing Centre to keep her safe. She normally lives with all our other dogs, but since her seizures, we've put her in a large pen with 2 other old temple dogs for safety.
Fancy would dearly love a sponsor to care about her in her twilight years. She's lived a very timid existence despite our efforts to gain her confidence so a compassionate caring sponsor would make her feel loved.